6/23/2018: Late June marks an anual event where HAM radio operater's from all over the country get out of their radio rooms and operate on emergency power. The HAM radio even is sponcered by ARRL (Amature Radio Relay League).
Commonly the event runs for 24 hour, with each club making as many contacts as possible. SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) participated from 11am California Time to about 4:30pm California time.
The goal for SATERN for field day is to use radios on emergency power at their key corp location in San Bernardino. If a deployment happend, they would be called out to eatch local corp location to provide emergency communications.
To get involved in SATERN, they have a net on VHF 2 meters 146.385 + pl 146.2. The net runs every Sunday night at 8pm PST. Also you may email them at W1SAT@yahoo.com and an informaitonal packet will be mailed out to you.