Friday, May 31, 2013

Long ride short distance

Yesterday I had the unfortunant pleasure of takeing Omni Access our local Dial A Ride here. I had to go about 35 miles inside the county. Normaly by driving it would. only take half an hour. By normal bus it would take an hour to an hour and a half. By Omni Access it took over two hours. After I got on we picked up a bunch of other people and dropping them off at individual  residences witch was out of the way where I was going. That made me late for what I had to do. The place ended up being closed. I got there with ten minates to spare for my ride to my next destination. Who ever does the routing for Omni Trans are idiots who need to learn to ride their own system. That would certainly get them to see what the passangers go through. Even for "shared" rides to go longer distance then normal local around town it souldnt take two hours. Longer distance passangers sould have seperate rides from people going in same town local. These transit agencies have never realy seemed to care about what the passangers go through. This includes not having the oppertunity to use the restroom anytime within the longer distances that take two hours or more. When nature calls it doesn't matter where you are. It is not a right or privlage but a neccessity. A denile of a neccessity is a denile of basic human rights. The mear fact these transit companies know they are the only game in town or in county keeps them doing the things they do. It seems passangers don't have rights or recourse. If you had to depend on them to get you to work, you would probably lose your job. I may lose certain benifits thanks to Dial Aride getting me to my destination appens I will not be very fter the place closed. If that happy.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

IMVU VS Second Life

As you may have noticed, I am into virtual worlds. I have been playing on Second Life for a year and a half. Over the weekend when I couldnt get onto Second Life, I desided to downlowd IMVU. With IMVU you can log in using your Yahoo or MSN account. Still have to download their program. When you go into IMVU you choose an Avatar from the free ones they provide. It also comes with a hand full of outfits, and misclanious things. Unlike Second Life, I t comes with free rooms and furniture. The rooms include an apartment, a yacht, and a house. You can buy more with their credits. Credits can either be baught with real money or can do things like take survey's. You also get one free chat room to name and do as you wish. Walking and moving around is quite diffrent from Second Life. In IMVU there are certain stand and or pose spots you click on. Second Life you can move more freely. Its more of a chat site then Second Life therefore it is not laggy. I never expierienced any issues while using it this past weekend. Chat rooms very. For me I was mostly looking in the Transgendered rooms. Would I recomend IMVU yes. From a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a seven and a half. My screen name on there is tgurlchristin. Try it you might like it.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Freedom at a price

As we get ready to picnic or bbq, we must not forget the real reason you are having this day off. For several centuries now, men and women have sacraficed their lives and even their freedom so that we could have ours. We have many freedom's in the US that we tend to take for granted. Sometimes those freedoms make us more vulnrable to outsiders who want to do us harm. But, we sould NEVER give up our freedom for any reason. Lives have been lost fighting for your right to speak openly and for your right to carry an AR 15 Assalt rifle. My opinion on the second one will come out in a later post. In addition to lives lost for us, we also can't forget the many soldure's who lost limbs. They have to live the rest of their lives like that. Do they regret it, probably not. If you ask them if they would fight again they probably would say yes. War is hell but often nessecery. So when your chowing down on that freshly grilled hamburger, and enjoying your day off, just remember those who made this possible. My hats off to the men and women who have served and are currently serving in the armed forces and I salute you.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Birthday reflections

Today is my Birthday now it is a time of reflection. Birthdays are a time to reflect back on what the year has braught. That means good, bad, and leasons learned. Plenty of leasons leanred at 40. This year has had its share of ups and downs. I am a musician living my dream. I have had my share of small gigs this year and even one larger one. Also recently started this blog wich seems to be getting its share of readers. Also my Second Life hasn't been all that bad either. Over the past year friends come and go. But you can always count on the true friends to be with  you for many birthdays to come. We are currently in the Gemini astriological sign. Gemini is the sign of the twins. That certainly fits for someone who is transgendered. There is alot you will probably learn about me as time goes on while reading the blog. All I ever ask of anyone is they keep an open mind. My political views are more moderate then conservitive. But enough about me it's time to get back to reflecting.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hero or Villons?

With the anniversury of the death of Bonnie Parker and Clied Burrow, the is a new movie comeing out. Like Hollywood, it will portray them as hero's rather then the notorious criminals they were. In the heart of the depression, Bonnie and Clied robbed, killed, kidnapped among other bad acts. They would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get away from the cops. They left a trail of bloodshed and tears through out the south and midwest. Whats so special about this criminal couple? People were afraid of them even law enforcement. The day they were killed by the Texas Rangers, my late great grandfather who was a Deputy Sheriff for Beinville Perrish Louisianna, had a short but nerve racking run in with Clied. The family story goes my great grandfather was sitting having breakfast in the local sandwich shop when in walks Clied.  
Just the mear fact of who Clied was made him very nervus. When they were shot later that day, they had a partialy eaten sandwich from that sandwich shop. Now at the time my great grandfather didn't know if they were there to eat or to rob the place. That goes to show how fearful people were of these two. So in reality they were not hero's. More like vicious criminals. The real hero's were the Texas Rangers and my great grandfather for not having an itchy trigger finger.

Fort Hood Injustice!

On November 5th 2009 a mass shooting occured at the Army base in Fort Hood Texas. Sense then, the suspect in the shootings has collected $278,000.00 in government pay. All this money is while he is in the brig awaiting trial. The ironic thing is, while he is collecting thousands of dollar's, the victom's of this horific incident haven't been able to collect a dime. The DOD (Department of Defense) has declaired the shooting an act of "workplace vilence". Therefore enying the victom's any compensation from the millitary. Now, isn't it the duty of our government to take care of our men and women who have faught for our freedome's? Last time I checked YES. So I have to wonder why the accused shooter is getting our hard earned tax dollar's. It's a real injustice that we are paying him to sit in jail. Not to mention paying him a good sum of money to do it. Yet, the victom's of tramatic event isn't eligable for a dime.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Waisting time!

Our senant and congrass sure seem to be busy lately. But, they are not busy running the country or makeing important decisions that will impact us for a long time to come. Nope, instead they are holding hearing after hearing trying to get to the bottom of who's responsable. Theoreticly THEY are the ones responcible for not getting anything done.  History has told us all these congressional hearings realy never do any good. Look at what happend in 1997/98. Congrass and the Senant came to a hault. Why did they come to a hault? All because our President at the time desided to have oral sex with an intern. Grant it, we discovered later that the very people putting him on trial for impeachment, was doeing the same thing. Bill Clinton never did resign dispite the fact that he was "impeached". So even if they find wrong doing on the part of Barok Obama, will it even do any good. I mean its into his second term. He can't be elected anymore. So I ask whats the point in all these hearings? I say to our law makers QUITE WAISTING OUR TIME AND GET BACK TO WORK LEADING THE COUNTRY!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sould we know everything?

Sould we be entitled to information on everything the government does? Some in the news media seems to think so. Lately the AP (Associated Press) has been under a microscope for information they reported on resulting in hostil actions in a hostil country. Is it fair to blame the AP for something when they were just reporting what info an informant gave them? Think about it. The job of the news media is to report what is going on in the world to its readers, viewers and listners. But what crosses the line? What information souldn't be reported? I would say anything sensitive to the security of our troops and or country sould NEVER be reported. There are things our government doesnt want us to know. There is a reason for that. For instance there have been far more terror attacks that didn't happen. But, you never hear about. Our government doesn't want the terorists to be tipped off. For leaks, blame the one thats doing the leaking not the media reporting the leaky information. The informant knows darn well the information they are giving sould never be open in public. On the other hand it was a deep throughted informent that took down a President.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Safety first

Apparently GAP, Walmart and Target doesn't seem to think so. In the wake of the poor safety standards and incident in Bangladesh, A large group of companies have gotten together to form the "Accord of Fire and Building safety". What this written agreement does is force companies to adhere to stronger safety standards. Now, your probably wondering why Walmart or GAP would be against this? Well they seem to think they can manage their own safety standards. This agreement would raise the legal liability if something was to happen. Apparently Walmart or Target doesn't like messing with their finnances. Well it may cost them more NOT to agree then to agree to it. Their insurance will most likely go up and their employee loyalty go done. NOT to mention customers loyalty. Who wants to be involved in a company that sets their own low standards for worker safety. It may be good for the company but not the worker who has to work in such poor safety conditions. Perhaps a boycot is in order. I am sure some one somewhere will organise one. If everyone stopped buying from Walmart just for a day, It would make quite an impact on their wallet.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Second term curse

Is there such thing as a second term curse on a President? Ask those who served a second term and they may say yes. We look back in history and find President Lincon was assasinated in his second term. Then there is Bill Clinton and his intern fetish. Then there is George W Bush. Bushes approval rating was lowest in his second term. His first term he was considered a patriotic hero. Now we have Obama in his second term. He was elected by majority yet cant seem to get anything done. Scandels have been the norm for his administration lately. So is there something to this second term curse people talk about? I would say YES! Presidents who get elected to a second term want to continue their legacy and try to change the world. or at least the US. Most the time a second term ends in dissaster and or second term distrations for them to realy get anything done. We are expieriencing it now with Obama. Lets hope he can see through the distractions of conspiricies and is able to get something done. After all, thats what we hire a President for. To get things done.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Feel the rath of the IRS

Thats right someone somewhere is feeling the rath of the Internal Revanu Service. Perticurly any republican associated group that tends to piss them off. There is a big controversy going on with the republicans blameing Obama for letting it happen. IT's NOT Obama's fault contrary to republican belief. If you look back to the 50s and 60s when J Edger Hoover was in charge of the FBI (Federal Burou of Investigation), you will see how he delt with people he didn't like. Hoover was infamous for ordering wiretaps and investigating people who dissagreed with him and or the sitting president. I believe in the case of the IRS, we are expieriensing a simuler situation. From time to time we get these government agencies that grow big heads and KNOW that they are all mighty and powerfull. A big salution to this is to take some of that power away. Simple as that. BUT, DON'T blame the president for everything that goes wrong.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Living your dream

A year and a half ago I desided to follow my dream of being a musician. I was focused and practeced everyday. I even went on youtube and baught books to learn all I could about playing guitar. The fuits of my labor have paid off even though in a small way. I play small gigs often without pay. But the non finnancial benifit outways the finnancial one. Seeing how people react and enjoying my music keeps me doing it. We all have a dream, something we have always wanted to do but are afraid to because of failure. One such case is my friend Leslie who has come up with a great story idea for a book series based on the life of a female superhero. Its a great story and would be worth trying to get it published. But, she is afraid of rejection. I say if you want something bad enough you will just go for it. Dont be afraid to live your dream no matter how small it turns out to be.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Politics of conspiericies

Lately every time I turn on the news all I hear about is another Republican Obama related conspiericy theory. One such situation is Republicans now are saying Obama knew about and orcastrated the Boston bombings. Similer theory came out after 9/11 with Gearge W Bush. Now I cant possibly imagine that ANY president would knowingly withhold information that he or she may know about such horific tragities. Another case of this is the Republicans want to do away with statistics regarding ecconomic and job growth. All because they think Obama is falsafying the numbers. The political conspiericies have gotten way out of hand. Time to stop listning to Rush and form your own opnion based on facts NOT dreamed up conspiericies.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Missed Communication

I am involved in verious chat sites including Paltalk, Second Life, and even IRC. Over the past week or so I have noticed dwindling numbers on these sites. In Second Life the virtual clubs are practicly dead. Those club that used to have lot of people are now hardly at all. In Paltalk, hardly anyone goes into the adult rooms anymore. We have always been a social sociaty even well before the birth of the internet. sense the internets birth, it has alowd people who normaly wouldnt be social to be social. Now people use cell phones to communicate. Technology has evolved so much that we can now do everything on a simple mobile devise. Perhaps that is the cause of the dying off of internet chats. Or maybe on an off chance we are engaged more in in person conversations for the first time in 15 plus years.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

To stop or not?

We have all seen the obvious cameras that accompany some stop lights around our local city. We also have seen it flash when someone goes  through the red light.

That flash could cost that driver $300.00. No one wants to have to pay out.

Red light camera tickets are almost impossible to fight in court. The courts are typlicy not in the drivers favor.

One such case, a vehicle was sold. Six months later, the previous owner recieved a court summons to appear in court or pay a fine.

It took that previous owner a year and a half to fight and win.

Situations lke that are not uncommon and most courts don't want to hear it. They just want as much revanue as they can get.

So what do most people do when they know there is a red light camera? They slam on the breaks of course.

Slamming on the breaks has been proven to cause more accidents then if the camera was not there.

Think about it, you hit the breaks hard to avoid going through the light and someone rearends you. Now is that realy safe?

All of this is done in the name of safety. But, only one third of the fine ever goes to municipality that instaled the cameras. The extra two thirds goes to the private company that instaled the camera.

So next time your comeing up on a stop light with a camera and it turns yellow, think about it. Do you want to risk causing an accident or do you want to pay a $300.00 fine.

Create your own job

In an ecconomy where even Postal workers are unsure if they will have their jobs next week, it is always good to have a backup plan.

For example, I have a friend that lost their job as a book store manager when their store closed. Currently they are in the proccess of writting a book.

In an unstable ecconomy, not knowing where your next paycheck or job will come from is a growing problem for milions of Americans. My friend is deffenently not alone in there situation.

Today, survival is the challenge we all face. Even with unemployment money comeing in, a person can get bord after long period without something to do.

Here are a few things to think about if your unemployed.

First off, don't disclude volunteer jobs. Volunteer jobs are something that can be put on a resume. They also give expierience in a field or job that you may not have thaught of.

As a volunteen, some places may have perks even though they do not pay money. For instance, volunteering at the local food bank or soup kitchen provids you with something to do as well as meals.

Check with your local volunteer services center to find out. There may be oppertunities for you to work for services or things provided.

Another option is to start a business from home. Think about what you are good at, and do it. If you are a musician, you may be able to use your talents to get paid.

Think of what you know, love, and are good at. We all are good at something. So take it and why not build on it and make it a job. For instance, I know a guy who makes life sized "fury" dolls. The dolls is his pation.

There is a saying. "If you enjoy what you do, its not realy work." So find your pation. Find your nitch and go for it. It may be easier then you think.

By starting your own business in whatever pation your into, you are creating your own job. You have to be creative.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Second Life

Ever wanted to fly high like superman or teleport someplace when your stuck in traffic? You CAN! At least in your second life. Second Life is an interactive virtual world that lets you do anything and be anything. From Furies to vampires to superheros to normal avatars second life has it all. I sould know, I have been adicted to it for almost a year and a half. My Second Life consists of being Wonder Woman and Catwoman, owning a super hero theamed night club, and pole dancing. In Second Life like in real life, sex is a big thing. Its certainly not the only thing. Even though it has its unrealities, it does have certain realities. One such thing is you can rent an apartment or purchase land using Linden Labs (Second Lifes creators) created money system. You earn that money in verious ways. Most do pole dancing, DJing, or Hosting in verious SL clubs. There are other ways like club contests and fishing tourniments. Some people spend real money and buy the Linden money to use in game. To play you can use several program/viewers. One is through Linden Labs themselves. The other is a third party viewer called Firestorm. There are others but those are the main two. For more on Second Life and screen shots go to