Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Create your own job

In an ecconomy where even Postal workers are unsure if they will have their jobs next week, it is always good to have a backup plan.

For example, I have a friend that lost their job as a book store manager when their store closed. Currently they are in the proccess of writting a book.

In an unstable ecconomy, not knowing where your next paycheck or job will come from is a growing problem for milions of Americans. My friend is deffenently not alone in there situation.

Today, survival is the challenge we all face. Even with unemployment money comeing in, a person can get bord after long period without something to do.

Here are a few things to think about if your unemployed.

First off, don't disclude volunteer jobs. Volunteer jobs are something that can be put on a resume. They also give expierience in a field or job that you may not have thaught of.

As a volunteen, some places may have perks even though they do not pay money. For instance, volunteering at the local food bank or soup kitchen provids you with something to do as well as meals.

Check with your local volunteer services center to find out. There may be oppertunities for you to work for services or things provided.

Another option is to start a business from home. Think about what you are good at, and do it. If you are a musician, you may be able to use your talents to get paid.

Think of what you know, love, and are good at. We all are good at something. So take it and why not build on it and make it a job. For instance, I know a guy who makes life sized "fury" dolls. The dolls is his pation.

There is a saying. "If you enjoy what you do, its not realy work." So find your pation. Find your nitch and go for it. It may be easier then you think.

By starting your own business in whatever pation your into, you are creating your own job. You have to be creative.

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