Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Waisting time!

Our senant and congrass sure seem to be busy lately. But, they are not busy running the country or makeing important decisions that will impact us for a long time to come. Nope, instead they are holding hearing after hearing trying to get to the bottom of who's responsable. Theoreticly THEY are the ones responcible for not getting anything done.  History has told us all these congressional hearings realy never do any good. Look at what happend in 1997/98. Congrass and the Senant came to a hault. Why did they come to a hault? All because our President at the time desided to have oral sex with an intern. Grant it, we discovered later that the very people putting him on trial for impeachment, was doeing the same thing. Bill Clinton never did resign dispite the fact that he was "impeached". So even if they find wrong doing on the part of Barok Obama, will it even do any good. I mean its into his second term. He can't be elected anymore. So I ask whats the point in all these hearings? I say to our law makers QUITE WAISTING OUR TIME AND GET BACK TO WORK LEADING THE COUNTRY!

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