Thursday, November 19, 2015

A day to remember

A Day to remember

By: C.J. Ellington

It started out with the national

anthem sung by Leslie Christopher. today is a

day to remember all in the Transgender

community who lost their lives.

November 19th marks "Transgender day

of remembrance". The Loma Linda Veterans

Hospital had an hour long cerimony sponcered

by the VA Hospital's Transgender program.

On behalf of the VA, Assistant

director Prachi Asher spoke on the importance

of the program.

Erika McIntosh provided music for all

to enjoy. Folloing Erika was Key note speaker

Susan Ladd.

Ladd, retired airforce and dissabled

vet, spoke on what it was like for her being

and growing up transgender.

Names were read of all the

transgender individuals who have died in the

last year.

Transgender suicide and murder are on

the rise. The focus of holding such an event

anualy is important to get out the meassage

of love and not hate.

Personal note, being transgender is

not an easy life nor is it one that you

choose. It chooses you. My heart goes out to

those who have lost their lives to hate.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Brent for vets

Brent for Vets

11/6/2015: Award winning country music artist
Brent Paine performed a sepcial concert for

the veterans.

The 2 hour long concert took place 1pm till

3pm at the Jerry L Pettis VA Hospital in Loma

Linda Ca.

Mr Paine sang cover songs as well as his own

to houner the vets.

The concert took place on the eye clinic

patio with many of the patients from the

hospital in attendance.

Hospital volunteers were on hand to assist

patients from the community living center who

couldn't get out on their own.

The concert was to promote and benifit the

"Guitars for vets" program, as well as houner

POW/MIA vets.

At the end of the show, copies of Brent

Paines new album were given away as his

apreciation for all who served.