Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016 OPINON

     Over two hundred  plus years ago, and fourty five presidents later, the first imagrants came to America. Mainly  Eurapians.

     As luck would have it they couldn't survive without help from the Native Americans. The Native Americans taught them how to grow their own food and hunt.

     Fast forward to the 1800s when the decendants of the Eurapians who came over to America, started fighting the Native Americans and forcing them to live where no one else would dare to.

     Sure they got their own land but the pain they had to go through. Now in 2016 the Native Americans continue to fight for their rights and land. They ae fighting to keep white corparate America from using their land.

     The Native Americans fighting against the Dakota Pipeline are having to litery fight to survive as Police forces attemt to force them off their own land.

     I find it ironic how we as Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving and have forgotten that if it wasn't for the Native Americans we wouldn't be here.

Friday, November 11, 2016


     Why? That is the question everyone is asking after the US election shock of a lifetime. By now everyone knows Donald Trump won the presidency.

     What we dont know is why did he win when it was projected to go to Hillary Clinton? Also why are people reacting to it with protests and violance?

     Lets start out by examining how Donald Trump was able to win dispite polls saying otherwise. Polls had Hillary winning by a decent margin.

     Trump has been in the media a long time. So has Hillary. So what makes Trump differant? Trump's media expierience (unlike Hillarys) is in "reality TV". As such, he plaid the press for all it's worth.

      Trump was constantly saying controvercial things, such as the "wall". Every time he said something controvercial it got him in the news. The more he was in the news the more unpaid exposure he had.

     Trump was also diferant in the sense that he was not connected to anything in Washington DC other then his newly built Hotel. He doesn't have a political past so to speak.

     Hate and discontent with our current people in power, drove people to vote against Clinton who was esentualy a Washington insider.

     He also plaid to the people who felt that they were being left out. IE: white males from the south. His spinning hate for mexicans coming across our boarder illegally was one big reason people voted for him. Same goes for muslim terrorists.

     Now to why people are so emotional about it. As a journalist we have to rely on sticking to the facts of a story and not to get emotionaly involved. Yet, somehow when the story broke, even I was and still am emotional about it.

     I think the main reason people have become so emotional over this election vs previous elections, is the fact that the results just were not expected. Polls had Hillary winning by a fairly large margain. In addition, all the controvercial things he said and did just didn't make sense to elect someone like that.

     What is done is done. Donald Trump is our President Elect. That fact will not change. One thing I perticurly noticed is his change in attitude and demeaner after the election. He seemed to act more presidential and more open.

      Time will tell what will happen during his time in office. But, we have to continue our daily lives and continue to fight for whats right.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election that shocked the world

     11/8/2016 is a date that will forever live in infamy for the US and the world. It is the day that America elected the 45th president.

     TV commentators spent most the night going from state to state with their projections. All this after six months of the most dramatic campain in history.

     It all started out six months ago with sixteen Republican candidates and two Democrats. It soon became clear who either parties nomanee would be.

     With the Republican convention in June, came a fight between party members. Ultamently the Republicans nominated Danald Trump as their presidential candidate.

     It wasn't just the candidate himself that took spotlight at the RNC convention, but his wife who was critisised for plagerising Machelle Obamas speach.

     On the Democrat side, their convention was a battle between Bernie Sanders supporters and the DNC. There was even protests.

     The big news to come out of the Democratic convention was when The father of a muslil US Army veteran spoke. He spoke of how his son died for America.  Ultamently Hillary Clinton was nominated as the Democrat nomanee.

     Over the past five months, you couldn't turn on the TV or go online without seeing something about Trump or Clinton. In the world of 24 hour news, you had commentators who were constantly guessing as to what would happen.

    None of the commentators could predict what happened. It was a very late night, but in the end it was projected that Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton 288 electorial collage votes to 240. Only 270 is needed to win.

     In the aftermath of the results, global stock markets have shot to lower then average numbers. There is even riots reported in several states including California.

     People will be trying to figure out what happend for weeks and even years to come. It is not the news medias job to speculate, only to report on facts of events. But yet still it is a big shock to everyone including the news media.