The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) is celebrating their twenty years in Sothern California as a HAM radio service to the Salvation Army.
The 20th SATERN siminar took place at the San Bernerdino corp and featured three main speakers. Speakers talked on subjicts including, Digital modes of HAM radio, SATERN, and being prepared mentaly as well as physicly for a disaster.
Meeting started at 9am and featured door prizes during the day. Prizes included tool kits, watt meters, and even two new duel band hand held radios.
In attendance were thirty people including both members and non members. Non members got a chance at seeing what SATERN is all about and members got to meet people they have only heard on the radio.
The local boy scout troop assisted in serving hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch as part of their marit badges. After lunch they recieved reccognition certificates from Paul Hagar AE6TR the SATERN coordnater.
If interested in joining SATERN, send an email to or participate in their weekly net on Keller Peak 146.385 + PL 147.2.