Friday, May 5, 2017

Phone home

ET phone home. Or in this case HAMs from the JLPVA ARC (Jerry L Pettis Veterans hospital
radio club.) The HAM radio club at the Loma Linda veterans hospital, has been working on
a project to get voice over ip phone system set up.

Finnaly, it is being put into use in the VA Radio room. This VOIP system or "mesh" system, was set up by the clubs technical advisor Larry Anderson W6LAR.

Mesh network consists of a didgital phone, wireless router, and a dish antenna. With that you can
set up your own private network.

The Loma Linda VA radio club has links set up in the radio room at the hospital, as well as 3
other members houses. To use the system you have to have it set up on the other end.

Once set up you can do everything from make phone calls to go on the internet all with minimal
cost. In order to use the mesh system, you have to be licensed as an amature radio

When all else fails this system is able to continue working to get communications through. For more information regarding The Loma Linda VA Radio Club or the mesh network, contact Larry Anderson W6LAR on the 445.340 repeater.

AIL/KOL on point

     The AIL/KOL points system is not as complacated as it seems. In this article we will explain tha points system so you will better understand how it works.

     According to Dash, the AIL game and points system is based off a 1990's game called Mercs. On Mercs, you can earn up to 20 point per mission. The Rules came from e-wrestling handlers.

     In AIL/KOL, the points are slightly higher. You can gain any points between 20-30. All points are based off mission performance.

     The winner of each mission gets 25-30 points.  Everyone else gets under 25 points. At the end of each season/mission, it is voted on by Ichiro. He doesn't participate in the missions in order to keep it fair according to Dash.

     "AIL has always been a coopertive writing game." Dash said. The points system is ment to give closure to the mission. It is also a motivator for people to participate in the RP's/ missions.

     At the end of each mission the points voted on then reset for the new mission. To be a part of the game and join AIL (Adventures in Loathing), go to