Saturday, June 23, 2018

Salvation Army has a field day.

Paul Hager AE6TR SATERN Coordnater showing visitor's PSK 31, A didgital mode of HAM radio.

     6/23/2018: Late June marks an anual event where HAM radio operater's from all over the country get out of their radio rooms and operate on emergency power. The HAM radio even is sponcered by ARRL (Amature Radio Relay League).

     Commonly the event runs for 24 hour, with each club making as many contacts as possible. SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) participated from 11am California Time to about 4:30pm California time.

    The goal for SATERN for field day is to use radios on emergency power at their key corp location in San Bernardino. If a deployment happend, they would be called out to eatch local corp location to provide emergency communications.

     To get involved in SATERN, they have a net on VHF 2 meters 146.385 + pl 146.2. The net runs every Sunday night at 8pm PST. Also you may email them at and an informaitonal packet will be mailed out to you.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Uber float LA Pride Parade 2018

June 10 2018: June marks LGBT pride month for most cities and towns across the US. Los Angelas is no different.

This year Los Angeles held their pride event June 8, 9, and 10th. West Hollywood came alive with a large festival throughout the weekend.

They started the Sundays festivities with a large parade. Over 60 entrants were entered.

Road closures for the parade ran along Santa Monica Bulavard. Closures ran from 5am till after 2pm.

Parade goers as well as well as people entered, were decked out in  verious atire ranging from pride colored shirt and shorts, to little orphan annie in drag. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

State of the City of San Bernardino

Photo by C.J. Ellington: San Bernardino Mayor R Carey Davis addressing audiance at San Bernardino International Airport.

4/27/2018: The city of San Bernardino Held its annual State of the city address. The event was held at the San Bernardino International Airport/ former Norton Air Force Base.

The event began with lite meal/appatizers at 5:30 PM. At 6:30PM Mayor Pro Tem Henry Nickel Said a few words before introducing Mayor R Carey Davis.

Mayor Davis emphasised business growth in the city. He notably mentioned several large companies that have moved into the Airport as cargo hubs, including UPS.

Another large part of the speach, was that the city is in the proccess of hiring police officers to fill the void from those lost in previous years to budget shortfalls.

The mayor ended his speach discussing the good work of SB Pastors United, and thanked people. The hour long speach was a reminder of the great things the city has done. There was no negative comments made.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Help for those helping others?

Imagine a hospital without volunteers. Without volunteers, the hospital would have to pay staff to do what faithful volunteers do every day.

Now, imagine those not being paid to do the work of many, being treaded like 2nd and 3rd class. Well that is happening at the Veterans Hospital in Loma Linda California.

It has been six months sense Norlandi Piere has taken over volunteer service. Sense then, the numbers of volunteers have decreased. Moral has also decreased.

Your probably wondering why? From practicly day 1, he has taken away convieniences such as a coffee maker in the volunteer room at the Ambulatory Care Center.

In addition to the coffee maker, she makes promises she can't keep, takes back her promisses to volunteers and suspends volunteers for no reason.

Volunteers are unable to speak freely and no recourse for when she desides she doesn't like you. After a search of the Loma Linda VA's website, found no email or phone number for those in dispute.

Prior to Miss Piere taking the job of Asst Chief of Volunteer services (There is no current chief), Moral was high and so was the amount of volunteers.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

SATERNs finnest

Picture shows SATERN Coordnater Paul Hager AE6TR, addressing the seminar.

1/20/2018: The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) San Bernardino, held it's annual seminar. The seminar was held at the San Bernardino corp.

In attendance at the 21st annual SATERN event were 48 members and visiters. The seminar is designed to introduce new HAM radio opperater's to SATERN as well as teach verious amature related topics with the focus on emergencies.

This year there was speakers that discused emergency antennas, digital communications, as well as microwave dish communications.

Door prizes were awarded. Some of the prizes included antennas, a hand held radio, and verious HAM radio items. In addition, they built a portable antenna for the 144 megaherdz band.

SATERNs main goal is to provide emergency communications for the Salvation Army. If you are interested in joining, SAERN holds a 2 meter nets at 8pm PST on Sunday night on 146.385 the Keller Peak repeater. Visiters are welcome.