Picture shows SATERN Coordnater Paul Hager AE6TR, addressing the seminar.
1/20/2018: The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) San Bernardino, held it's annual seminar. The seminar was held at the San Bernardino corp.
In attendance at the 21st annual SATERN event were 48 members and visiters. The seminar is designed to introduce new HAM radio opperater's to SATERN as well as teach verious amature related topics with the focus on emergencies.
This year there was speakers that discused emergency antennas, digital communications, as well as microwave dish communications.
Door prizes were awarded. Some of the prizes included antennas, a hand held radio, and verious HAM radio items. In addition, they built a portable antenna for the 144 megaherdz band.
SATERNs main goal is to provide emergency communications for the Salvation Army. If you are interested in joining, SAERN holds a 2 meter nets at 8pm PST on Sunday night on 146.385 the Keller Peak repeater. Visiters are welcome.