Friday, June 28, 2013
LGBT California victory
Two days ago the US Suprime Court ruled that the California proposission that banned same sex marrage was unconstatutional. Today the Su[rime Court ruled that local California municipalities that issue marrage licenses, must begain issuing same sex marrage licenses imediatly. Shortly after the ruleing, the two couples involved in the fight to overturn California's Prop 8, were married. The dission by the suprime court is four plus years in the makeing. This is a victory for the LGBT community. When that meassure was introduced to voters, it was missleading people. I am glad the surprime court ruled against the meassure. It is my opinion that anyone who is in love no matter what their sexual oriantation or gender identity sould marry. Can't stop love reguardless. I am glad the courts saw that.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Second Life Viewer review
Those of you on Second Life know that in order to play the game, you have to have a special program. That is where viewers come in. Linden Labs the parent company that runs Second Life, has their own viewer. But, there are third party viewers available for free. I took a look at the main viewers this week. I tested four diffrent ones. When I first went onto Second life a year and a half ago, I was content on using the viewer that they provide through their website. It has everything needed to play including a home button and a button for your land marks. The only thing it doesn't do is view mesh items. Alot of things in Second Life is being switched over to mesh. Thats where Phenix Projects Firestorm comes in. Firestorm is the viewer most people use. It has everything. Only thing it doesnt have that would be nice to see, is a land marks button like the Second Life viewer has. Instead, you have to go into inventory and click land marks folder. Then there is Singularity. Singularity was interesting trying to navigate the diffrent feature's. It is difficult to chat with friends and no home button much less a land mark button. Cool VL viewer is far better then Singularity but it has it's faults too. It does have one touch button on bottum of the screen for friends and one touch flying button. its also less laggy of all the viewers I tried. Only issue I have with CoolVL is that the media is hard to use. Anyway, hope this is helpfull to anyone looking at Second Life viewers. By the way my main viewer is Firestorm because ease of use.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Second Life urban combat
Ever wanted to be a gangster, cop or firefighter? Second Life has a few urban combat sims that will let you do just that. I have spoken about Second Life before, but I am going to be a bit spacific. If you are a Second Lifer then you may be familure with some of the sims I am about to name. One is brand new as in a week old. Others have been around a while. One such sim that has notariaty in Second Life is called Danger Point. Danger Point is one of the urban sims you can drive cars and fly hellecopters . For about a year Danger Point was one of those sims that was dorment and not used much by people. Sense it has become more populer, it has been subject to griefers and those who don't follow sim rules as well as harrassment by other users on the sim. I expierienced it where the owner didn't do anything about the griefing or harrassment even if you braught him proof. It is pretty much unorganised caos. Yet, I or other decent users that follow the rules get yelled at by the owner and admins when we try to even the fight. Even with combat huds, the gangs wait till you are back on your feet and kill you again right away. In Second Life we call that corps camping. On the opposite side we have Vivid City. This sim just opened a week ago and from my expierience is ran quite well. The owners and admins seem friendly. their Police force is more realistic. So far it has prooven to be well organised. A walk down the street and you wont get shot. The police and fire departments on that sim are fairly organised and active. It is still new but is gaining popularity from the former Danger Point user base. If its heros you want there are urban sims for that as well. Gotham/Arkam Assylam used to be very populer in urban RP/Hero RP till it closed down. So if you want to play in an urban scenerio, take your pick there are a few choices out there. See you in Vivid City.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Whats up with the LAPD?
Everyone remembers the week long manhunt for ex LADP officer Christopher Dorner. Especialy those of us who live in southern California. Everyone was on edge for a whole week as law enforcement agencies from four diffrent counties conduted the search. Dorner was alegidly killed in a standoff in Big Bear, a mountain community. He was accused of killing the daughter of an LAPD commander who fired him for missconduct. It was aleged that he lied about his former partner. Dorner then went on a rampage killing several Police officers. Two from Riverside PD and one from San Bernerdino county Sheriffs. During the week long hunt, two LAPD officers shot two women delivering newspapers. The two women were driving a similer truck to Dorner. This week, the LAPD reviewed Dorners case. They found that the origional desission was justified. Now I am wondering what happend to the Officers who shot the newspaper women? I bet they are still on the job or at the very least having paid timee off. Is it right for Dorner to be fired for lying and not the officers who had an itchy trigger finger shooting inocent civilians? I think not! Now I am not saying what Dorner did by going on a rampage was right either. I just think fireing him for lying was not right thing either. Two wrongs don't make a right. The LAPD has a long history of over reacting. Sould we realy trust them to police themselves? Probably not. It's hard for them to be objective when they are the problem.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Republican party the closed minded party
Seems as of late that no mater what the Prisident does, the Republicans arn't happy. Now they are targeting New Jersey Governer Chris Christy. The conservitive party is targeting him all because he has taken up friendship with President Obama. Christy was not invited to the CPAC convention a couple of months ago. His own party is deserting him all for being diffrent. You wouldn't hear such an outcry if a Democrat politician desided to side on one or two views of the oposite party. On just about every view the republicans are against gay marrage, against a womans right to choose even if she was raped, and against anything anyone else has to say. In their eyes they are right we are wrong and NO FACTS to the contrary will EVER change their mind. How dare we be diffrent. How dare we think outside the box. It's rediculous. I am tired of hearing the Republicans complain when they can't get people to think their way. I have news for them, the majority of American people think diffrently from the conservitive base. The conservitive base is only a small portion of the population.
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