Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Republican party the closed minded party

Seems as of late that no mater what the Prisident does, the Republicans arn't happy. Now they are targeting New Jersey Governer Chris Christy. The conservitive party is targeting him all because he has taken up friendship with President Obama. Christy was not invited to the CPAC convention a couple of months ago. His own party is deserting him all for being diffrent. You wouldn't hear such an outcry if a Democrat politician desided to side on one or two views of the oposite party. On just about every view the republicans are against gay marrage, against a womans right to choose even if she was raped, and against anything anyone else has to say. In their eyes they are right we are wrong and NO FACTS to the contrary will EVER change their mind. How dare we be diffrent. How dare we think outside the box. It's rediculous. I am tired of hearing the Republicans complain when they can't get people to think their way. I have news for them, the majority of American people think diffrently from the conservitive base. The conservitive base is only a small portion of the population.

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