Sunday, October 11, 2015


Be Prepared

This coming week there will be an earthquake.

It won't be a real earthquake but a drill/

On Thursday October 15th an emergency

prepardness drill will be conducted over the

entire state of California.

Many agencies will be perticipating. This

includes local, county, state, and even

federal government agencies.

The purpous of the state wide drill is to

raise awareness and preperation for the real


There are many ways you can prepare for

emergencies. The most important thing to do

to prepare is to have a plan of action.

By planning ahead, you will be mentaly as

well as physicly able to deal with the


Your plan sould include an out of state

contact and central meeting location for all

members of your family.

even though you have an out of state contact,

you may not be able to reach them by cell


Most people don't know this, but in a major

dissaster or emergency, emergency services

literly takes over the cell towers for

communications. In those situations only 911

and emergency communications are aloud to go


Alternatives to cell phone communications are

amature radio. Also FRS radios are good for

short distance communications.

As part of your plan and possible survival, I

reccomend getting involved with organisations

like CERT (Community Emmergency Response

Team). They provide training free as well as

provide a suport group for when a dissaster


If you don't take anything else from this,

take it as to be prepared for a dissaster.

You never know when or where it might happen.

But, it WILL happen so be ready for it.

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