Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life as a pedestrian

Not sure if anyone knows this or not, but I walk everywhere. I don't drive, although I used to drive. Not driving can save alot of money not to mention it's great excersise as well as good for your heart. I walk because I don't have wheels. Sense starting to walk everywhere, I have gained a whole new perspective on what its like to be a pedestrian. I have found that alot of drivers are not very educated when it comes to the rules of the rode pertaining to pedestrians. Not to mention etiquite One of the first rules your taught in drivers ed is PEDESTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT AWAY! Now that doesn't mean that we can do whatever we want. Just means within common sense. There are several bad habit's I see drivers do when it comes to pedestrian's. One of the habit's I see drivers do alot is at a stoplight with a crosswalk, they sit in the middle of the crosswalk blocking it while waiting for the light. That CAN AND WILL GET YOU A TICKET IF CAUGHT! Second thing I see is people parking blocking the sidewalk. That makes it more dangerous where pedestrians have to walk in the street to get around the parked car. That is also a TICKETABLE OFFENSE! Finnaly, I see people trying to get in a hurry when they are makeing a turn and I have the light. If you look as if your in a hurry to me, I will slow down. So DON'T get in a hurry when makeing a turn. Just because someone is walking doesn't make them any less of a person so PLEASE show some courtisy to your fellow human.

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