You walk by a small office with an open door. The sign next to it reads "Patient Effects/Lost and Found". Sitting at the desk is a gentalman by the name of Jerry Jones.
Mr Jones is the Patient Effects coordenater for the VA Hospital in Loma Linda. He is the go to guy when you have lost an item while at the VA.
The most common items lost or found are cell phones and wallets. With a bit of detective work, Items can be returned quickly to the owner according to Mr Jones.
Typicly for most wallets have an ID and or a credit card with the owners name. For cell phones, he finds the contacts list and calls one of the contacts on the phone. Mr Jones advises the person on the other end that their friend lost their phone.
Most items are held for 60 days. After 60 days, some items such as eye glasses get sent to the eye clinic for reuse. Other items may be thrown away or auctioned off. All procceeds from the auction are sent back to the vets.
So why would someone want to do this liine of work? According to Mr Jones, he does it to help the vets. His father wa a korean war vet. Mr Jones says he sees alot of his father in the vets that he helps serve.
Next time your at the Loma Linda VA, give Jerry a wave as you walk past. He would apreciate it.
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