Bruce Jenner is transissioning. Yes from male to female.
He is becomeing she. We have all heard that. It's all
over the internet. Yahoo tends to run a story a day about
the transision of the famous olympian. Up untill now, the
trans community realy has not been discussing it. Every
day in the world, there are trans women and trans men
going through verious phases of transission but yet you
don't see their names in the news or hear their story.
Every day they struggle with life as they transission to
their rightful gender. I can understand the media posting
one or two stories but not one every day for someone
famous. But because he/she is famous, the media gives the
attention making it a big deal to the world when in
reality it is another trans person in transission. So is it overkill
on the subject? You deside.
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